One of the most challenging issues of our day revolves around gender related topics. My wife and I just got home this week from our daughter and sons-in-law’s gender reveal. We could not be more excited about having a baby boy in the family. Yes, I said boy. How do I know that you ask? Because God has already established that genetic fact. The baby doesn’t have to weigh in on that. We as grandparent don’t have to decide his gender. His college professor or second grade teacher has no say in the matter. God “fearfully and wonderfully” made the call for all of us. Because we are so polarized on this issue it’s interesting to see how our friends across the pond think. Did you ever think you would live to see the day that the French and the Scandinavians would wonder and be shocked by some of our latest policies in regard to gender related issues?
According to editorialist Dennis Prager:
Sweden has broken with America on the transgender issue. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers for minors under the age of eighteen. If a teenage Swedish girl says she is a boy, Sweden will offer “psychosocial” care, almost never hormone blockers, let alone a mastectomy.
In Great Britain last October, the National Health service announced, “Children who believe they are trans are probably just going through a short-lived phase.” Therefore, no permanent or life-altering sex change will be made.” Prager goes on to write, “In France, the National Academy of Medicine has issued a statement advocating “psychosocial support” rather than hormone blockers and surgery for young people with dysphoria.” In 2020, the nation of Finland enacted a similar policy, and the Swiss announced that, as far as the nation of Switzerland and government are concerned, “sex is not nonbinary, “In other words, the nation of Switzerland recognizes only two sexes.
Folks, the world is looking at us confused and perplexed. Prager goes on to write, “America’s war on truth, science, and children has rendered America increasingly an outlier in the Western world.”
According to the American College of Pediatricians, “No matter what sex a person imagines themselves to be, they remain either a biological male or a biological female. Everyone is born with a biological sex.” In other words, people are free to imagine themselves to be whatever they desire, but they can’t fundamentally change how they were born. The American College of Pediatricians went on to state, “Puberty is not a disease, and puberty blocking hormones can be dangerous by inhibiting growth and fertility.”
Another interesting fact that never gets brought up in discussion was addressed in a recent article by Joseph Farah. According to the Diagnostics and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, “As many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.”
In April of 2021, Mr. Biden tweeted, “Let’s be clear: transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.” He equates people born of a particular color to people choosing which gender they prefer to be on a given day. Wow!!
I fear that the International Olympic Games will soon be targeted by this movement. If this transgender obsession continues, sports competitions as we know them will cease to exist. In fact, if a person can identify as a man or women regardless of their God- given sex, what would stop a 50-year-old man from competing in a 4th and 5th grade track meet if he identifies as a 4th or 5th grader?
This is all intentional and is driven by a strong desire to promote an agenda that mocks God and the lofty moral standards He has put into place. M.D. Perkins stated that the purpose and goal behind the secular left to drive our kids this direction is so that they, “can stretch a child’s imagination to be more accepting of all sexual expressions. The goal is to completely blur the lines of right and wrong, natural, and unnatural, male and female, objective truth and subjective experience, and beyond.”
David Harsanyi, a conservative writer, said it best, “I simply refuse to accept that most Americans, or even more than a small percentage, believe children should be empowered to choose their sex.”
The enemy is real but so is the biblical family unit. Let’s teach our children to love and respect the person God made them to be. He fearfully and wonderfully made us David writes. Let us teach our children to celebrate that very important fact. In the words of Laura Hollis, “Corruption cannot be controlled by the powerful: it can only be contained by the principled.”
Amen! Well written brother.